Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave

 My Rating: 4.6

"Protect her". When Owen Michaels goes missing he sends his wife a note with these two words. Hannah instantly knows that he is referring to his 16 yo daughter Bailey.

Another fun thriller where you have to suspend reality and just go along for the ride. Despite a few implausible bits in the story line, I did enjoy the relationship between Hannah and Bailey.


  1. I listened to this on Audible and it was the perfect no-brainer to listen to while doing deep cleaning chores (i.e. mopping my basement) :)

    1. Love it! I always use audio books for multi-tasking and the 'no brainers' are perfect for that!

  2. I enjoyed this thriller. You are so right, there were parts where you have to just go with it as there are unbelievable parts. Apparently, there is a movie in the works.
