Saturday, August 31, 2024

Kill For Me, Kill For You

My Rating: 4.7

One dark evening on New York City’s Upper West Side, two strangers meet by chance. Over drinks, Amanda and Wendy realize they have much in common, including an intense desire for revenge against the men who destroyed their families. As they talk into the night, they come up with the perfect plan: if you kill for me, I’ll kill for you. 

In another part of the city, Ruth is home alone when the beautiful brownstone she shares with her husband, Scott, is invaded. She’s attacked by a man with piercing blue eyes, who disappears into the night. Will she ever be able to feel safe again while the blue-eyed stranger is out there?

This was VERY twisted and at times, uncomfortable. I didn't have everything figured out till quite far in to the book. It will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Was Anastasia by Ariel Lawton

  My Rating: 4.6

The twists and turns in Anna Anderson's 50 year battle to be recognized as Anastasia Romanov. Is she the Russian Grand Duchess, a beloved daughter and revered icon, or is she an imposter, the thief of another woman's legacy? Countless others have rendered their verdict. Now it is your turn. 

Russia, July 17, 1918: Under direct orders from Vladimir Lenin, Bolshevik secret police force Anastasia Romanov, along with the entire imperial family, into a damp basement in Siberia, where they face a merciless firing squad. None survive. At least that is what the executioners have always claimed. 

Germany, February 17, 1920: A young woman bearing an uncanny resemblance to Anastasia Romanov is pulled shivering and senseless from a canal. Refusing to explain her presence in the freezing water or even acknowledge her rescuers, she is taken to the hospital where an examination reveals that her body is riddled with countless horrific scars. When she finally does speak, this frightened, mysterious young woman claims to be the Russian grand duchess. As rumors begin to circulate through European society that the youngest Romanov daughter has survived the massacre at Ekaterinburg, old enemies and new threats are awakened. 

The question of who Anna Anderson is and what actually happened to Anastasia Romanov spans fifty years and touches three continents. This thrilling saga is every bit as moving and momentous as it is harrowing and twisted.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this book - would it be boring? Would it drag? the answer to both is NO! This starts with Anastasia and what she and her family went through during their exile - where they were moved, how they were treated by the guards and how they dealt with the revolt. "Anna" had to fight to be heard and others, including Romanov relatives, fought to deny what she said she was entitled to. Very well told.

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

My Rating: 4.9

Six year old Fitz is the bastard son of the noble Prince Chivalry, dropped off at the castle's front door to be raised in the shadow of the royal court by his father’s gruff stableman. He is treated as an outcast by all the royalty except the devious King Shrewd, who has him secretly tutored in the arts of the assassin. For in Fitz’s blood runs the magic Skill—and the darker knowledge of a child raised with the stable hounds and rejected by his family. As barbarous raiders ravage the coasts, Fitz is growing to manhood. Soon he will face his first dangerous, soul-shattering mission. And though some regard him as a threat to the throne, he may just be the key to the survival of the kingdom.

This popular series has finally made it to the top of my queue. Picture a more mature Harry Potter. It is well written with a light, simple plot which makes it an easy read. I enjoyed this and will definitely continue with the series.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Twenty Years Later by Charles Donlea

 My Rating: 4.6

Avery Mason, host of American Events, knows the subjects that grab a TV audience’s attention. Her latest story—a murder mystery laced with kinky sex, tragedy, and betrayal—is guaranteed to be ratings gold. New DNA technology has allowed the New York medical examiner’s office to make its first successful identification of a 9/11 victim in years. The twist: the victim, Victoria Ford, had been accused of the gruesome murder of her married lover. In a chilling last phone call to her sister, Victoria begged her to prove her innocence.

This is about an ambitious television personality trying to hide her past as well as to build her career and the Detective that worked on the case. Some graphic parts. Lots of twists and turns that kept me turning the pages till the very end.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Bullet Swallower by Elizabeth Gonzalez James

 My Rating: 4.7

1895: Antonio Sonoro is the latest in a long line of ruthless men. He’s good with his gun and drawn to trouble but he’s also out of money and out of options. A drought has ravaged the town of Dorado, Mexico, where he lives with his wife and children, and so when he hears about a train laden with gold and other treasures, he sets off for Houston to rob it—with his younger brother Hugo in tow. But when the heist goes awry and Hugo is killed by the Texas Rangers, Antonio finds himself launched into a quest for revenge that endangers not only his life and his family, but his eternal soul.

1964: Jaime Sonoro is Mexico’s most renowned actor and singer. But his comfortable life is disrupted when he discovers a book that purports to tell the entire history of his family beginning with Cain and Abel. His father has never talked about his family's history so Jaime is intrigued. In its ancient pages, Jaime learns about the multitude of horrific crimes committed by his ancestors. And when the same mysterious figure from Antonio’s timeline shows up in Mexico City, Jaime realizes that he may be the one who has to pay for his ancestors’ crimes, unless he can discover the true story of his grandfather Antonio, the legendary bandido El Tragabalas, The Bullet Swallower.

This family saga is a Mexican Western with grit and magical realism. The writing is beautiful! I found myself really enjoying getting lost in this book. Go along for this wild ride and enjoy. Be sure to read the author's note at the end how this was loosely based on his great-grandfather.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Clear by Carys Davies

 My Rating: 1.5

John, an impoverished Scottish minister, has accepted a job evicting the lone remaining occupant of an island north of Scotland—Ivar, who has been living alone for decades, with only the animals and the sea for company. Though his wife, Mary, has serious misgivings about the errand, he decides to go anyway, setting in motion a chain of events that neither he nor Mary could have predicted. Shortly after John reaches the island, he falls down a cliff and is found, unconscious and badly injured, by Ivar who takes him home and tends to his wounds. The two men do not speak a common language, but as John builds a dictionary of Ivar’s world, they learn to communicate and, as Ivar sees himself for the first time in decades reflected through the eyes of another person, they build a fragile, unusual connection.

This was VERY slow and boring. I hate when a woke Liberal agenda gets inserted into a book and this did it when I was very far into the book. The only reason I am rating it as high as I did is that I enjoy learning something new about history but definitely do NOT recommend this book

Friday, August 2, 2024

Hush Little Baby by Suzanne

 My Rating: 4.8

If I stay, he will kill me. If I leave, he'll destroy Addie and Drew.Jillian Kane appears to have it all - a successful career, a gorgeous home, a loving husband, and two wonderful children. The reality behind closed doors is something else entirely. For nine years, she has hid the bruises and the truth of her abusive marriage in order to protect Addie and Drew, knowing that if she left, Gordon would destroy her and destroy them.When she flees in an act of desperation, her worst nightmare is realized and she finds herself on the run with her two young children, no money, and no plan. With Gordon in hot pursuit, there is only one inescapable certainty: No matter where she goes, he will find her. Kill her. And take her children.A riveting page-turner, HUSH LITTLE BABY exposes the shame and terror of domestic violence as well as the disturbing role manipulation and sabotage can play in the high-stakes game of child custody. Suspenseful and unforgettably moving, it's a novel about the unbreakable bonds of family and the astounding, terrifying devotion of a mother's love.

This was VERY well told. You never know where there will domestic abuse. That Gordon was a cop made her even more vulnerable. The game of cat and mouse had me hooked as I waited to see how it would play out. Will definitely read more by this author.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

I Dared To Call Him Father by Bilquis Sheikh

 My Rating: 4.7

I Dared to Call Him Father is the fascinating true story of Bilquis Sheikh, a prominent Muslim woman living in Pakistan. Her unusual journey to a personal relationship with God turned her world upside down-and put her life in danger.

This is an unusual conversion story but I thoroughly enjoyed her faith, her sense of when she was close to God or not and figuring out why. It as beautifully told and showed her faith in such a wonderful way.