Sunday, April 21, 2019

Bookmarks Magazine May/June 2019

I always love when my Bookmarks Magazine arrives in the mail. I enjoy devouring it with the fabulous articles, upcoming releases, books being made into movies as well as the book reviews. As always, I will take this issue with me on upcoming plane trips and glean a lot more so let me know if you think I missed any books!

How have I never heard of Canadian author Miriam Toews?  I am very intrigued to read some of her works:

Here are the other books  that jumped out at me first time through:

I already have these in my library queue as they were in previous bookmarks:

Let me know your picks or what good books you have been reading recently as I always love hearing from you!


  1. So jealous, I haven't received my copy yet. Hopefully, it will arrive this week.

    1. It is so weird as I was one of the first to get it for a long time, then for a few months it seemed like I was the last, now I have moved towards the front of the queue again. Not sure what governs it! I hope you get yours soon and look forward to your sharing xoxo
