Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

My Rating: 4.9

Alicia is a famous painter with an affluent life and very in love with her husband Gabriel. This makes it so shocking when Alicia shoots Gabriel five times in the face. Not only that she would shoot her husband but, that she chooses to be silent...not one word since the crime. She is now in a criminal asylum.

Theo is a criminal psychotherapist who wants to work on Alicia's case and help her that he goes to the extreme of getting a job at the criminal asylum and getting assigned to her case.

The story unfolds from there.

This gives background on both Theo and Alicia as well as their current day interaction. I have been put off lately by all the thrillers that don't deliver so didn't have high hopes for this one. I am happy to say, it delivered! This may be the best book of this genre that I have read.  Thoroughly enjoyed it!


  1. This was one of my most anticipated books. I really enjoyed it and it has stayed with me. I did pretty much figure out the ending but it didn't matter, was still great. I finally realize that thrillers with psychiatrist or psychologist in the book are some of my faves.

  2. I love thrillers. This was one of those books I couldn't put down. Best book I've read in a long time.
