Monday, June 24, 2024

Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

My Rating: 4.9

In 1976 California, Dana is suddenly dizzy and then is dragged through time to antebellum Maryland to rescue a boy named Rufus, heir to a slaveowner’s plantation. When her returns to her apartment and her husband, she has only been gone minutes vs the hours she was back in time. She soon realizes the purpose of her summons to the past: protect Rufus to ensure his assault of her Black ancestor so that she may one day be born. As she endures the traumas of slavery and the soul-crushing normalization of savagery, Dana fights to keep her autonomy and return to the present. Dana not only experiences the cruelties of slavery on her skin but also grimly learns to accept it as a condition of her own existence in the present.

I don't know how I seem to be the last person to read this book but I absolutely LOVED it! I am glad I never heard about it with all the hype so I didn't go in to it with any expectations and just went with the storyline - which was enthralling. 


  1. Girl, you are not last, I am!! It has been on my list but everytime I consider picking it up I remember that there is supposedly magical realism elements. I struggle with Magical Realism so now that I see you loved maybe time for me to jump in.
    Thanks for the push

    1. I struggle with magical realism too but that wasn't an issue for me in this book. I hope that you jump in and love it! ♥
