Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony

My Rating: 4.9

Anthony has a wildgame preserve in African called Thula Thula. When he gets a call to take in a rogue herd, he was tempted to refuse but, if he didn't take them they would be shot. As the years unfold, he becomes part of the elephant's family and vice versa. They teach him so many heartwarming lessons.

I don't normally care for non-fiction but, when a trusted girlfriend told me I HAD to read this, I got it and didn't regret it. This was the perfect book to provide a fabulous distraction. By the end of it, I wanted to have my own elephant herd! I am off to read his wife's sequel to this book.


  1. This sounds fascinating. I will check it out.


    1. I think you will enjoy this one Jeana. I finished his wife's book yesterday and loved it as well - will hopefully post that review today. Hope that you are doing well xoxo
