Monday, August 31, 2020

Bookmarks Magazine Sept/Oct 2020

I don't know if it just me but, when horrible things are going on in the world, that is the last thing I want to read about so, Bookmarks having their focus on "pandemics" this month felt wrong. I skipped that whole section which limited the books that I did pick out.

Here are the books that I have added to my queue:




Let me know if you are like me and read to escape or if you will be reading some of their recommended Pandemic books?


  1. Hi Elle!
    I am also someone who wants to avoid all talk of the pandemic when I choose to read. I definitely like to escape reality. I enjoyed your youtube channel and I'm loving your book section! I am going to try Its always the husband!

    1. So glad I am not alone in wanting to read to escape! :-) I hope you are having a fabulous week and finding lots of time to read xoxo
