Friday, May 20, 2022

The Mountain Shadows by Gregory David Roberts

 My Rating: 4.4

Lin, an Australian fugitive, working as a passport forger for a branch of the Bombay mafia. Lin must find his way in a Bombay run by a different generation of mafia dons, playing by a different set of rules.

This sequel to Shantaram continues Lin's story along with Karla and several other characters from Shantaram. You don't need to have read Shantaram to enjoy this book but, it helps. I loved how it brings India and the people to life. I vacillated between wanting to immerse myself in Robert's incredibly beautiful and descriptive writing and skimming over a lot of the parts that felt trite including the time on the mountain with the spiritual philosopher. I absolutely loved Shantaram but don't know how I would feel if I re-read it. I guess Gregory David Roberts and I are both in different places than we were when he wrote the first book. This wouldn't be a "Best of" for me but I enjoyed it if for no other reason than sentimentality over how I felt for the beautiful love story of Shantaram


  1. I still need to read Shantaram. I have had it on my shelf since you read and reviewed but I am intimidated by the length. I just need to pick it up. I am going to do it!!

  2. I think Shantaram was the better of the two but, I could just be in a different place now. Always interesting to reread and see if we feel the same about a book or not.
