Friday, February 24, 2023

What Was Mine by Helen Klein Ross

 My Rating: 4.7

Lucy seems like an ordinary woman but, on a spur of a moment decision, she picks up a baby from an Ikea shopping cart and walks out of the store. She raises the baby as her own and keeps the kidnapping a secret for over two decades. Her now grown daughter, Mia, discovers the trust of her origins, and then all of the fall-out has to be dealt with.

This was such a gripping emotional tale. You are pulled in to all three perspectives of Lucy, Mia and Marilyn (the birth mother). This was heart wrenching and you felt pulled in three different directions. Sad  and moving story but told in such an amazing way. This is one that will stay with me.


  1. Wow, sounds really good. Adding to the library list.

    1. It was uncomfortable as you could see all sides - but it was really good! I hope you love it. ♥
