My Rating: 2.5
Graham divorced his first wife to marry his girlfriend Audra. Life with Audra can also be exhausting, constantly interrupted by chatty phone calls, picky-eater houseguests, and invitations to weddings of people he’s never met. Audra firmly believes that through the sheer force of her personality she can overcome the most socially challenging interactions, shepherding her son through awkward playdates and origami club, and even deciding to establish a friendship with Graham’s first wife, Elspeth.
This was a difficult book for me. On one hand, I think the author is extremely talented. There were several points in the book where I was laughing out loud but, after a while, the characters grated on my nerves. The wife Audra was particularly annoying with her over exhuberance and making friends with absolutely everyone and even inviting them to live in their home. I ended up skimming the last portion of the book. Based off of this book, I don't think I would read more by this author.