My Rating: 4.9
Fitz, Chade, the Prince and many others set out from Buckkeep to Aslevjal to fulfill the Narcheska's challenge to lay the head of the dragon Icefyre on her hearth. Having abandoned the Fool in Buckkeep, Fitz is guilt-stricken; but determined to keep the fate of his beloved friend at bay, since prophecy foretells the Fool's death if he ever sets foot on the isle of the black dragon. But as their ship draws in towards Aslevjal a lone figure awaits them...
Despite my claim that "I don't like the fantasy genre", I continue to absolutely LOVE this series. Hobb has an incredible ability to make her writing seem simple and readable and yet she captures so much. The icy cold world of Aslevjal had me grabbing a blanket. This book had several VERY gruesome scenes (think Silence of the Lambs, torture, disturbing types of scenes) but it also brought me to tears. Hobb has such amazing ability to make you fall in love with characters and cheer for them that you are shattered and broken with how she treats your beloved friends so ruthlessly and yet seemingly so cavalierly. I do not want this series to end and yet will be immediately jumping in to the Rain Wild Trilogy.