Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese

My Rating: 4.8

Isobel is a young seamstress who sets sail from Scotland in the early 1800s with her husband, Edward. Edward is an apothecary who has fallen under the spell of opium, his pile of debts have forced them to flee Edinburgh for a fresh start in the New World. But only days after they've arrived in Salem, Edward abruptly joins a departing ship as a medic––leaving Isobel penniless and alone in a strange country, forced to make her way by any means possible.

This book unfolded in a beautiful way - between Isobel's gorgeous needlework, her ability to see in colors, and her relationships with the other townsfolk. It was only once I was quite far in to this book that I realized with it's flashbacks to the Salem witch trials and Nathaniel Hawthorne that I realized it was a retelling of The Scarlett Letter which I haven't read...yet. It is now on my TBR list. 


  1. I haven’t heard about this book. That cover is gorgeous and if I saw on the shelf would be likely to pick it up just because of the cover. Thanks for the review. Now I know it is more than just a pretty cover. Adding to my list.

    1. I think you would appreciate this book. I can't wait to read The Scarlet Letter. ♥
