Friday, November 18, 2022

Jackie and Me by Louis Baynard

  My Rating: 4.6

Jacqueline Bouvier is hard at work at a Washington newspaper. When she meets Jack Kennedy, it isn't long till she is shifting her desire from being an independent reporter to wanting a relationship with Jack. Lem Billings was JFK's friend from childhood and his confidant. Lem and Jackie form a deep friendship that helps her navigate her courtship with Jack. This is narrated by an older Lem and, as he looks back, he wonders if he should have been more of a friend to Jackie and warning her of going down the path and the aisle with Jack.

I was so engrossed in this story that I felt jilted when the story ended at Jack and Jackie's marriage - what about everything that happened after that point? So much untold that I wanted to delve into. I guess that is the sign of a good book.


  1. I have been wondering about this one. Sounds good. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I really enjoyed it but just wished it didn't end at their marriage. ♥
