Saturday, September 23, 2023

Purposefooled by Kelly Needham

 My Rating: 4.7

Many of us are exhausted from dreaming big and chasing the extraordinary lives we long for, but when we try embracing the everyday and find meaning in the mundane, we fear we're settling for a boring life. Are we missing something? In Purposefooled she explains 

  •  why we feel like we were made for more and shows us the freeing answer to our longings, 
  • the ways modern technology affects our desires and dreams--and how to live free from its pressures and pitfalls, 
  • how familiar Bible stories reveal that being a world-changer is more accessible and simpler than we think, 
  • why we need to reclaim our imaginations from culture and steward them with eternity in mind, and 
  • what it looks like to live a deeply meaningful life today instead of wearing ourselves out trying to reach the next big thing.

This was a great easy read that really resonated. I love Kelly's writing style. There is something I think every Christian can related to - what are we supposed to do with our lives. I found all of Kelly's examples very relatable and I finished this book with so much resonating and staying with me. Excellent read.


  1. This sounds interesting. I am going to check my library. Thank you!

    1. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! ♥
