Sunday, May 12, 2019

My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing

My Rating: 4.9

What does every couple do to spice up their marriage.....agree to murder someone of course! This is told by the husband about his wife Millicent and their two children Rory and Jeana...and how they decide to spice up their marriage.

Oh wow, my head is still spinning with the ending. WOW! Do not read too much about this. Just read it.  Hold on for the ride and enjoy the twists!


  1. Thanks Elle, looking forward to this one but I am so far down on the library list it may be this Fall before I get it.

    Hope you are having a nice weekend!

    1. If you stick with this one, it will be SO worth the library wait list. I am still relishing it as I think back on it. It may be a re-read for me (which is really saying something!) I hope you had an amazing long weekend my friend.

  2. Putting this one on my reading list!

    1. I hope you love it as much I did Nola. There is one part that was a bit slow but I got past that quickly and loved it. :-)
