Monday, August 12, 2019

The Baker's Secret by Stephen P. Kiernan

My Rating: 4.7

Emma is 22 years old and learning to bake since she was 13 under the tutelage of Ezra. With the Nazi occupation of her town, life changes completely. Emma has no hope of the Allied forces rescuing them but she can't handle seeing her fellow townfolk starving so, she does what she can to help them.

I really enjoyed this. Even though Emma didn't have hope of rescue, she provided hope to her fellow townfolk. It is amazing how much the human spirit can endure and survive and this captures the feeling of being one of the townfolk trying to survive.


  1. Thanks Elle,
    Haven't heard of this book but it sounds really good. Adding to my TBR.

    1. I have read a LOT of WWII and still enjoyed it. BTW, I saw your comment on Lolita being written in English and I had no idea it wasn't translated! Isn't it fabulous how much reading expands our worlds! :-) xoxo
