Monday, August 19, 2019

The Night Before by Wendy Walker

My Rating: 3.2

Lori falls fast and hard for the wrong kind of men. Her sister Rosie who is happily married with a child is the 'steady' one in the family. You know that something has happened in Lori's past and you just aren't sure if it happened to Lori or she was the one who did something. Lori decides to try online dating and meets a man but doesn't come home from the date. Rosie and her husband and their childhood friend Gabe all try to track down Lori and it unfolds from there.

I loved the timeline going from Rosie and her husband in current day looking for Lori to the flashbacks to childhood as well as to Lori going out on the date. I enjoyed this until the last 1/4 which took a sudden turn in the plotline and got so horrifically cheezy that it lost me. So sad as I really did enjoy the first 3/4 of this book.


  1. Oh no, sorry to see this. I had this on my list but removing it now. No need to waste my time when I have So many books I want to read. Hope your next book is Great!

    1. I enjoyed the first portion but hated that it got cheezy with the weird twist. I hope you are having a great week Jeana with lots of fabulous books!
